Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,
I sat down to watch the sunset today and I had this conversation with God.
Liz: Why do You value me?
God: I value you because I created you.
Liz: In what way did you create me that I'm valueable?
God: I created you with my love and poured My very being into you. I have put a portion of my heart into you and as you seek me more that portion grows.
Liz: You created me with a precious heart, but what else about me is good?
God: Your art. Your artistic ability. These are things that I've given to you so that you may glorify me with them. I value your passion because it is with that same fire that I desire you.
Liz: Keep going.
God: I value that you seek Me for answers and that you value the wisdom and knowledge I have put in your heart. I value that you spend time with me.
Liz: Tell me something that I really don't know.
God: I value the sparkle in your eye when you talk about Me. I enjoy the smile on your face when you think about me and how I've blessed you. Yes, I created you with many great gifts and abilities, but that is not what I value about you. I value the way that you love me and what you choose to do with those gifts.
Liz: Whoa! Now that's something to think about.
God: I know. Now sit with Me and watch my sun set.
Liz: I love Your sunsets.

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