Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,
I've decided that I want to notice God's blessing in my life. So a while ago I decided that I wanted to pay particular attention to anytime that I receive a blessing. First, I would like to recognize that I am blessed by Jamie, Beck and Glenn, just because they are who they are. I am blessed by others who encourage me with good comments about things that I've done (like my times). Now, aside from these lovely blessings in my life I've also been given random things. Like one time someone gave me a dollar. Then another time someone gave me two dollars. Now, it's not much, but it's still a blessing. Also, I've been given 3 cd's for free in the last month (roughly). The third cd was given to me today by a woman who said that it didn't minister to her and she thought it would be better off for someone who would appreciate it to have it. Now, I've never heard it, so I don't know that I'll like it, but hey, who knows. (I like it)
Now, I can't forget the biggest blessing of all that I've received. The biggest blessing in my life (especially in the last week) has been to constantly be in the presence of God and to feel His presence manifest. It has been incredible and really uplifting. I can't even stay sad for two days because God keeps lifting me up. Praise be to God the love of my life.
May heaven fall upon you.
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,Ok, so I'm assuming everyone has read my Thank You Jesus post? No, ok. Too bad. Anyways, so my shoulder wasn't completely better after that, but it was a LOT better. So during the week my shoulder has been hurting every once and a while, but any time it's been hurting now (or any pain in my body) I remember how I was healed and I think about God. So it's actually really cool. I mean it sucks to be in pain, but it's something that is getting me to really focus on God. And as strange as it is it seems to hurt more when I'm listening to worship music or reading my Bible or something godly. Another cool thing is that even though I've been in a bit of pain (not as much as usual) I've had a lot of joy the last few days and I've barely been bothered by the pain. Blessings and Breakthroughs.
John 3:16-18 Lizified Version
For God so LOVES us, that while we completely screw up to the max His one and only perfect Son came and paid the pentalty for what WE did so that we could have relationship with Him. God did not want to condemn us, but wanted to set us free through Jesus. Whoever believes in Him can have relationship with Him, but those that don't believe can not have relationship with Him and are setting themselves up to be separated from Him forever.
I know...I know...
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,And the LORD spoke to me:You know I have you where you are for a reason and that I want you where you are. You're boss wants you to work for her. She likes the way you work and she thinks you are a hard worker. You know I love you. Why are you seeking to be loved somewhere else? You rest in me, but you aren't receiving what I am saying. You write down my words, but you aren't accepting them into your heart. READ WHAT I'VE WRITTEN TO YOU. Come on! You know better than this. You know I am preparing you for great things. You know I am waiting for you to be useful to Me, to write books, sing songs, preach on stage. Get in line with me so that I can have you do those things sooner rather than later. I am waiting to promote you, but I need to know that you are promoting me. You know what I've done for you. Why aren't you focusing on that instead of on what other people say and do? I LOVE YOU!!! Get that through your skull already. It is not for what you do or what you are able because I'm the one that made you able to do that, so of course I love those things about you otherwise I wouldn't have made you that way. I love you for your heart towards me. I love your attitude about Me. LOVE ME! and stop worrying about what you will do for Me because I'm taking care of that.I hope I get it now. *blushes*Blessings and Breakthroughs.
Reflect on this
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,Jesus loves YOU!!!!!Blessings and Breakthroughs.P.S. Feel free to ask questions. ;)
Thank You Jesus!
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,So my neck and right shoulder were hurting really bad today. So much that I was actually walking with my head tilted to the left so it would hurt less. Now I figured this was a spiritual pain because it only started about half an hour before I left to go to the service on Thursday night. And all day Friday it was getting worse and worse. So on my way back to the office after buying my dinner this woman (on the prayer team) comes up to me and asks me if there's any reason why I'm walking with my head tilted. So I tell her that it's because I'm in really bad pain and I can't keep my head straight because of this. So she comes into the office to pray for me.She starts out by saying that when two are in agreement then it is done in heaven and on earth. So she tells me to keep my eyes open and to just say "Thank You Jesus." So I comply and I do what she tells me to. So she commands that I be healed. Thank You Jesus. So at a few points I had to renounce some things (without shame) and forgive people and repent and such. She prayed that my pelvis would come in line (which my hips have been out of line as far as I can remember). Thank You Jesus. She prayed that my left leg would extend because it was shorter than the right one. Thank You Jesus. She prayed for my right arm to get longer because it was shorter than my left arm and I could actually feel and see my right arm getting longer. Thank You Jesus. She rebuked the spirit of scoliosis (sp?), which is something I've been told I had. Thank You Jesus. She commanded my spine to be straight and that any vertebrate that were missing be formed. Thank You Jesus. She commanded my ribs to take their proper shape and I think they're bigger now. Thank You Jesus. She commanded that the knot in my shoulder be released and for all tension to leave. Thank You Jesus. At one point I could actually feel a massaging pressure where the knot was. Thank You Jesus. Now even though her hand was on the spot (I think) she couldn't have been applying that much pressure because of where she was standing. At one point I felt my right side from my knee to my shoulder moving upwards. Thank You Jesus.She also prayed that all the organs in my chest work properly and that all the organs in my abdomen work properly. Thank You Jesus. Now, as stupid as this is at one point I cursed myself not to be able to have children. I know, I know, stupid move. Now this is a curse I removed off myself at least a few weeks ago, but I knew things still weren't right in my body. And she prayed that my fallopian (sp?) tubes would be opened. Thank You Jesus. And she prayed for all these things and more and I didn't point out any of it to her. Thank You JESUS! She just knew to pray for these things and she knew I needed prayer from the fact that my head was tilted. Sometimes God allows us to be in pain for a short time for a greater benefit. After she had finished praying for me I jumped up and down and kept telling people Jesus healed me. All glory and honour belongs to Jesus. Thank You Jesus!Blessings and Breakthroughs!
Jesus healed me
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,Jesus healed me! Jesus healed me! Jesus healed me! More to come later.Blessings and Breakthroughs.
Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,I sat down to watch the sunset today and I had this conversation with God.Liz: Why do You value me?God: I value you because I created you.Liz: In what way did you create me that I'm valueable?God: I created you with my love and poured My very being into you. I have put a portion of my heart into you and as you seek me more that portion grows.Liz: You created me with a precious heart, but what else about me is good?God: Your art. Your artistic ability. These are things that I've given to you so that you may glorify me with them. I value your passion because it is with that same fire that I desire you.Liz: Keep going.God: I value that you seek Me for answers and that you value the wisdom and knowledge I have put in your heart. I value that you spend time with me.
Liz: Tell me something that I really don't know.God: I value the sparkle in your eye when you talk about Me. I enjoy the smile on your face when you think about me and how I've blessed you. Yes, I created you with many great gifts and abilities, but that is not what I value about you. I value the way that you love me and what you choose to do with those gifts. Liz: Whoa! Now that's something to think about.God: I know. Now sit with Me and watch my sun set.Liz: I love Your sunsets.