Thank God for Beck

Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,
I would like to give a sincere thanks to God for Beck. So I was discussing this with Beck earlier about how I wanted to blog about how thankful I am for her. So here I am blogging about how much I appreciate the way that God has created Beck. Beck has probably been one of the most helpful people to me recently. And it isn't really because she's specifically done anything special. It's really just because she's listened to me say the same thing over and over and over again until I'm sick of talking about it. I think I've talked to her about the same thing like 10 times at least and she hasn't gotten sick of listening to me. She just sits and listens to me. And she's so good at it because she knows that really I just want her to listen to me about how horribly frustrated I am. Now I think I'll get the rare question every once in a blue moon and then on occassion she'll have a comment or I'll ask for some sort of response or something and any thing she has to say about it just fits in perfectly to the problem because she takes the time to really understand what it is that I'm struggling with about the situation. Which I absolutely love because part of the problem that I keep relating to her is that certain people are only hearing half of what I'm saying and seem to have made up their mind about what I have to say. So I keep praying for resolution because I know this isn't something that's been done intentionly, people just have different ways of relating and such and I've been a bit of a pest as well in it. So, I'd like to take this time now to apoligize in advance if I am a bit of a pain to you in some kind of way. Just know that I have been stressed because of certain things and that it's really wearing on me, but I have no intention to stress out or hurt ANYONE. I love you all.
Also, special thanks to Glenn for being someone who listens to me and makes a special effort to give me really good advice about anything I talk to him about. He is really special to me and a cool guy.
I love you Glenn and Beck. And I love you too Jamie, you are cool and totally awesome and I haven't forgotten that you listen to me as well even though all you really have to say to me tends to be what I tell you. You're still cool and you are learning amazingly. I LOVE IT! Love you all.
May heaven fall upon you each and every day.
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