Light of the World

Your daily dose of encouragement.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Don't Get Discouraged

Grace and Peace in the Lord Jesus Christ,
How do you measure success? Do you measure it by your failures or by the progress you've made? We need to stop beating ourselves up with our mistakes and start focusing on the progress that we've been making everyday. If you aren't making progress then you need to start praying and focusing on God so that you can get headed in the right direction. If you're doing those things then you're making progress even if you don't see any difference.
We need to be aware of the cause of the problem. If we don't look to the root then that tree will just keep growing. Maybe it will show up as something else, but it will still grow into something unfruitful. At times we need to stop attacking the action and heal the inner emotion. We need to deal with the sources of our problems so that we can have a permanent change instead of a temporary victory.
Blessed be the name of the Lord.


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