Light of the World

Your daily dose of encouragement.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

A Prayer

I received the following in an email which a friend of mine translated from Albanian:

I don’t recognize myself; I’m nothing compared to Your Light. I like to feel proud of myself in my thoughts, but when I turn to you, I don’t know where to hide. Inside the things made for You it is necessary to have Heart, Obedience, Faith, and Persistence, because life is with You every day. I am tired of my thoughts which are such a mess; order is not in my hands. Would You take my mess o God, the lack of action, the unconsciousness, the laziness, the self-satisfaction in me, and replace these with Your virtues? I don’t know how to remain in silence, teach me o God! I need Your wisdom so that I can discern things, I UNDERSTAND THAT WISDOM IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE SEEKED IN YOU What am I? And what will I remain if I don’t fear God? If I don’t respect His Word as the top priority, when I know that it is THE WHOLENESS OF MAN.

I was reading something in the library (sorry I can’t translate the title) and I wrote this prayer in my notebook. In fact, God isn’t only of Yesterday, but also the God of Today. He is available to show Himself to this generation or to any generation that will seek Him. When we read about His great deeds in the past it’s breathtaking, but let’s not forget that HISTORY IS MADE TODAY. There is no difference between the people that God has used, and me and you. We were all created from dust and in dust we will return. IT IS THE LIFE OF GOD INSIDE OF US WHAT MAKES THE DIFFERENCE AND BRINGS HOPE. OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD DICTATES OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH ONE ANOTHER. OUR PROBLEM IS NOT INSUFFICIENT EDUCATION, BUT THE REBEL HEART.

This is me my dear friends, and my thoughts – the messy ones and the clearer ones. I am sure that if we share these thoughts with one another, we will be a practical, real help to each other, brothers and sisters.


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