Light of the World

Your daily dose of encouragement.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

God's Timing

This is a lesson that I've already been aware of for at least a few months now, but God has decided to solidify it in my mind again by giving me a clear example of this in my life. So Sunday night I was having one of those rough nights due to circumstances that I will eventually reveal to everyone at the right time. But before I had gotten into one of these moods my dad had asked me if I'd be able to read a chapter in a book that he was reading and explain it to him. So on Monday I decided to read a the chapter on God's timing. Now after reading this I could no longer be discouraged in my situation, even though it is extremely difficult for me, because of the fact that one of the points made in this chapter was that if we are doing everything we can in order to move forward and out of bad situations and into good ones, if we are not moving foward then we need to trust in God that we are still in those situations for a reason. Perhaps some of the people who are going to help you in your success aren't ready for that success, or the ones who are going to help you with your problem aren't equipped to deal with it yet. Resting in God is when you take your eyes off of the situations in your life and trust that God is taking care of what you are unable to take care of.
May you receive grace and peace throughout your day and into eternity.


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